Thursday, April 24, 2008


Why did Tigger put his head in the toilet?
He was looking for Pooh!

Charla gave Leif a huge joke book for his birthday and when flipping through it that was the first one we read!


Cammie said...
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Cammie said...

Charla picks out such fun gifts. My favorite joke in that category is: knock knock. Who's there? I have grape. . .

Did Richard make that up?

Cammie said...

Leif is so darn cute! Remember when he learned to skip when he was 2!!!

Bridget said...

Yes, and Rich cannot take for the grape joke!

charles said...

knock, knock.
who's there?
I have red and blue swirlp...

glad you got it.

charles said...

the book, i mean.

Cammie said...

Hey, check out my latest post about you and Emilia!