Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break

My spring break is over. The kids have theirs in 2 weeks. Lame. The past two years we went to Italy for spring break. The first year we stayed outside of Pisa. Last year we were in Rome. This year? This year we spent 2 nights in Carmel. It was beautiful all right, but not quite the same. I took the kids to the mission and it was beautiful and the day sunny.

The kids made mermaids in the sand at the beach. Along came a dog and it peed on one mermaid's face. Then a few minutes later another dog came and put his mark on her face too. Then we left.


Cammie said...

I love the photos. The first two could have passed for Italy. . .One of these years we have to do Spring time in Italy together!

And what were those dogs trying to say?

David T. Macknet said...

Beautiful shots! Sorry about the Spring Break conflicts.

charles said...

So beautiful!

Poor mermaids. Stinky dogs!

Megan and Vinny said...

the photos are amazing. so funny about the mermaid!

Giandrea said...

poor, poor mermaid!