Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Atlas' Omelet

I took Paris to work with me today and she went to bed at 4:30. Needless to say she had fun... (She is winking at me) Atlas cooked dinner tonight. He even made dessert. Chocolate pudding. I love big kids.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend Updates

Yesterday morning Richard found Poppet and Snowball eating together out of Poppet's bowl! We had a few close calls over the weekend where we thought the bird was a gonner. Last night when we put the chick in her (hopefully) coop, she was quite wet from being licked.
Emilia and Paris had their annual dance performance- both tapping. It amazes me how calm and chill they are when performing in front of hundreds. It was a packed house and a large studio... Rich and I took them out to eat- it was a girl's night with dad. The boys went to friends' houses.
Also this weekend I finished planting (for now) in my garden. I have had to pull out sunflowers and hollyhocks like they were dandelions! And of course Sunday brunch with blueberry streusel scones, lots of homemade granola, yogurt and hot chocolate!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our newest addition

This afternoon we got a chick! It was abandoned near my co-worker's house and as she was telling me the sad and amazing story- the chick lived through the nigh with foxes and coyotes around, I told her we would take it. Maybe this will be a temporary pet, but for now it is great. We are hoping it is not a rooster- we aren't supposed to have livestock in the downtown area. Paris has named it snowball. It follows the kids around and is very nice!

We also have a family of quails living in our backyard- isn't he beautiful? It is so cute when they run around with their babies...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Global food CRISIS

I think that the reason food prices are on the rise is because of Genetically Modified Seeds. In the past when farmers harvested their crops, a portion of their seeds were saved for the next planting. Under current Monsanto laws, farmers cannot save seeds from their harvest of genetically modified seeds. They must be purchased every planting season. Monsanto is the giant of genetically modified seeds. They originally made round-up, the weed killer and needed seeds that would not be killed by their toxic product, thus introducing animal life into our food supply. For example, there are soybeans that glow in the dark due to jelly fish. Most recently in my local daily paper I read about human genes being mixed with goats and cows to "improve" their milk, but then that is off the subject of plants. Genetically modified crops are not producing as much as promised and not as much as traditionally grown- ie natural seeds. Click here to read more! A Monsanto official told the New York Times that the corporation should not have to take responsibility for the safety of its food products. "Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food," said Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications. "Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job."