Saturday, November 7, 2009

this dojo

The boys had their first karate grading today and are now orange belts. The first night I tried to take them to karate I got lost driving and the car almost overheated. Atlas REALLY didn't want to go and it rained so hard and so much that I thought we were all going to float away. Karate makes me laugh. I loved the first karate kid movie and even did a semester of karate at BYU! My mom has been telling me to sign the boys up since we moved here. But karate makes me laugh. I changed my mind about karate this past summer when we were in Paris. Richard and I were watching some boys dance in a little park when one of them started doing a kata. The other guy could not get the moves and the karate dude was a better dancer... do you see where this is going? I resolved that my boys would get rhythm and be coordinated in any way possible. The boys have admitted (finally) that they enjoy it. We tease them and make all sorts of karate jokes but we do take them and would make them go.... The night Atlas got his karate gi he put it on for me and I laughed so hard I cried. He indulged me by letting me take pictures of him in various stances. My camera light broke (why I usually NEVER let the kids touch my camera!!!), so the pictures aren't great. He is totally the bad boy in The Karate Kid!


Bob and Joan said...

We just read where there is talk of a third Karate Kid movie to be made. Looks like we could have family members as extras or maybe even second lead!

The Lingo Family said...

He is TOTALLY the bad boy in the karate kid. I LOVE it!!!!

Chris said...

When you are in California I want the boys to detail our cars. Wax on wax off, wax on wax off....

Giandrea said...

He does look a bit like Johnny.

Yeah... don't take karate too seriously but definitely take karate.

Megan and Vinny said...

love watching karate!!! and he's totally johnny!

vinny's dad got his black belt when he turned 60. karate rocks!

Michelle said...

I also took karate at BYU- it was the most hilarious class ever! We had a lot of ROTC girls and guys and they were hard core. One ROTC guy was doing the chinese splits by the end of the semester. I just hated getting paired with the ROTC bunch they were so aggressive!